Saturday, April 25, 2009

Comment on a colleague’s work

I totally agree with Tim (in his blog Governmental ponderings) on his position of gay marriage and how it has very little effect on others. This topic should not even be a concern in the political world. Another good reason why some people don’t want gay marriage is that people fear change. Most religions believe that a marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. Trust me when I say, usually people who have religion don’t have that open mindedness of different views. The government should not have any say in who I can and cannot marry. They also fear that if they do allow gay citizens to marry each other that this will result in others turning gay (almost like a domino effect). This is a great example of what happened in the past with segregation. Many whites feared black because they are different than them. If a black person sneezed, coughed, or touched a white person, they assume the worst. Those who disagree with the marriage of gays’, usually don’t approve of their lifestyle. Bigotry. Sadly, those type of people usually have kids and pass on their views to them. The only way to get rid of those perceptions is if they die (of natural causes, of course).....

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