Friday, May 15, 2009


In my classmates blog post Plain Truth makes an argument in regards to our state and government tax system and how it is corrupted on so many levels. Yet, I don’t agree about taxing illegal people because they should not be here in the first place. Yes, they are usually hard workers and they come to achieve that “American Dream”, but they need to go home. They say that illegal people do the jobs that Americans don’t want to do. How do they know that for sure when they are just hiring them for cheap labor? We are in tough times people, and with a little increase in pay with those jobs, maybe you’ll see more Americans doing those jobs. I don’t agree with the welfare program at all. Too Easy To Get Welfare… I think it is ridiculous because it actually encourages people to not try to better themselves or their situation. It also brings a lot of children into the world that are not being raised in a nurturing environment. The women have children in order to stay into the system.

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