Friday, February 27, 2009

What Is Right!

In the New York Times there was an editorial, And Unequal Justice for Some (author not listed), where an illegal immigrant unconsciously gave his boss fake identification numbers which belong to American citizens. The Supreme Court is faced with a decision on whether to charge an illegal immigrant with aggravated identity theft (which results in imprisonment) or identity theft (which is not as serious and results in a lesser punishment). I think this article is aimed towards lawmakers so they can in return not make the laws so ambiguous. The author is credible I just do not think that his views are aim towards the right group of people.

I am sorry if I do not feel contrite about the illegal immigrant situation. “The Supreme Court should reverse Mr. Flores-Figueroa’s conviction to stop overly aggressive prosecutors from going beyond what the law allows — and to ensure that in identity theft cases, the punishment fits the crime.” I disagree with the author because I feel that that illegal who committed the crime should be charged with the maximum punishment and pose as an example for others who dare to break the law. Not only did he break the law but he is here illegally! His punishment should not be to deport him back to his country and let him get off scot-free. That just gives that person another opportunity to come back over illegally and break the law. Yes, America has been called “The land of opportunity” and I am truly thankful to be in this country. I don’t disapprove of this illegal trying to better his life; however, there is a legal way of handling things.

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